Energy Management

We develop innovative solutions for the benefit of our clients.

We are a partner in the WASh2Emden project funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure within the framework of the IHATEC program. In Addition to abh were project partners as well:
Wash2Emden is the synonym for „innovative and environmentally friendly hydrogen application in the seaport of Emden“. The aim of the project is the technical and economical analysis of the conversion of a port to a supply with renewable energies including green hydrogen as an energy source.
In addition to the management of the work package “Hydrogen infrastructure in the seaport of Emden” the involvement of abh in the project includes the following measures:
decentralized hybrid power generation in the seaport of Emden through wind energy and hydrogen reconversion
transformation process for machinery and equipment for the use of possibilities of a hydrogen
analysis of the electricity network/ gas network infrastructure
analysis of the required expansion of electricity network/ gas network with regard to hydrogen applications
investigation of the procedural requirements with regard to the analyzed hydrogen storage technologies
as well as the overall economic assessment.

The project was finalized in May 2020, a summary of the results is available in the form of a brochure.

Get more information about the WASh2Emden project.

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abh INGENIEUR-TECHNIK GmbH is an owner-operated medium-sized engineering consultant based in the port city of Emden, Northern Germany.

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